How Common Is Dental Anxiety?

Choosing the right dentist is important when addressing dental anxiety. Some dentists are fully prepared to address their patients' anxiety,…

3 years ago

Recovering from a Dental Implant Placement Before Restoration

The placement of a dental implant restoration is done to complete the process of replacing a missing tooth with an…

3 years ago

How a Smile Makeover Can Increase Confidence and Self Esteem

Finding out how a smile makeover can increase your confidence and self-esteem is a great idea. If you are living…

4 years ago

A Guide to Getting a Cleaning from a General Dentist

Routine dental cleaning from a general dentist is a necessity, not a luxury. Plaque and tartar will wreak havoc on…

4 years ago

When a Dental Bridge Is Recommended

If you are seeking tooth replacement options, a dental bridge can often be the treatment suggested by a dentist. There…

4 years ago

Teeth Care: How Often Should I See a Dentist for a Dental Cleaning?

Dental cleanings are one of the most important appointments to have on a regular basis. Most people visit their general…

4 years ago

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for Your Smile

Cosmetic dentistry procedures can help enhance your smile. Technological advancements in the dental industry have led to procedures that can…

4 years ago

When are Dental Crowns Recommended by Dentists?

Dental crowns are used in general dentistry very frequently as they are quite versatile. They can solve a number of…

4 years ago

Truths and Myths about Replacing a Missing Tooth

Those who have a Missing Tooth have likely heard a lot about the effects of missing teeth and replacement options.…

4 years ago

The Preventive Benefits of a Routine Dental Cleaning

Routine Dental Cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health. Aside from at-home oral hygiene, dental cleanings from a general…

4 years ago